Friday, August 10, 2007

Next stop. Columbia!

I started off from Philadelphia via Amtrak and reached Newark late at night. That night, as I lay down, my mind began to toy with "what if" scenarios. What if I had made it to Wharton? etc. I shook myself up and began looking at the routes of CBS and Stern.

I first visited Columbia. I got off at the wrong subway station and had to climb several steps up and through a park to reach Columbia university. There was construction going on there. The asbestos and cement on college walk looked out of place, and time, amidst the beautiful surroundings. I was reminded of the Greek Parthenon and almost expected Herodotus, Socrates, or Caesar to spring out from behind the trees. The dome of the library overlooking huge flight of steps was majestic. The statue that said Alma Mater was beautiful too. I cursed myself for missing my camera.

I crossed the library and, after getting lost several times (yes even in that small campus), reached the admissions office (which was again undergoing construction). I was sent off to another building across the street where I sat in on a leadership class by prof. Francis.

The class experience was amazing!!! The professor presented several cases dealing with ethical dilemmas and all the students participated in healthy debate. It was very interesting. The bantering and camaraderie I saw at CBS was amazing. I really wanted to be there.

Next was the ad-com info session, following which, I chatted with several students I had established contact with earlier. Now, one thing i have to admit about CBS is that the students there are the most helpful. The Hermes society guys move heaven and earth to answer your questions.

The facilities at CBS are good but being in the midst of NYC, space is slightly an issue. To me but, that is the biggest + because I believe that will foster a sense of community. Plus that place is teeming with consultants and bankers. As consultancy is my goal, CBS is a definitely app in my list!

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