Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Wharton needs Sincere, Energetic, engaging, enthusiastic people!

Wharton was a BLAST! I landed in Philly the day the admits of 2007 were signing in. There was much excitement (I admit I did feel a little wistful when I saw the new admits but then they deserved it so much more!). As soon as I entered Huntsman hall, I realized what an Ivy league school meant. I walked up a slope and reached a podium that overlooked a big well lit oak paneled atrium bustling with activity. The new admits were huddled around in groups. I looked around for an unsuspecting loner to talk to. I eventually found a few and all of them were very enthusiastic. They were very willing to share their experiences and very passionate about Wharton. While their experiences were varied, they all shared a common passion for Wharton.

After talking to a few students, I went up to Level 4 for the admissions session. I met 2 other prospective applicants there. A banker from London and the owner of 2 Quiznos shops. Then came in the Ad-com director. She said she was looking for personal characteristics and how Wharton fits into your personal goal. That was the most important take away! I did shoot myself in the foot asking several extremely suicidal questions that might go against me. But I guess that is OK.

After the session, I talked to a few more admits. One common thing I found amongst all admits was that they were already turning into brand ambassadors for their school. They were passionate about Wharton and for helping get into the school. It was a wonderful experience. And it sure whetted my appetite.

I headed to the nearby Pizza Rustica. They serve good pizza there. I then walked around and bought myself a Wharton T-Shirt at the "Book Store at Penn". One good thing about Wharton is that it has good shops nearby and is only a few minutes walk from the 30th St station. After roaming around the campus, walking up and down locust walk a few times and taking photographs of Benjamin Franklin, I eventually headed back to 30th St station to catch my train back to NYC where Columbia and Stern awaited me:)

Here are a few pictures I managed to click. The majestic cylindrical building you see is Huntsman Hall. You can also see the neat atrium and some class rooms and hallways.

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